
Chapter 6  Selecting a Sample

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p. 163: #1(Compare the logic used in quantitative and qualitative research to generalize beyond the sample that was studied)


#2(Explain the meaning of population validity and replication logic)


#3(Explain the relationship between a sample, the target population, and the accessible population)


#5(Describe the advantages of and procedures used in the sampling techniques: random sampling, systematic sampling, stratified sampling, and convenience sampling)


#6(Identify seven factors that should be considered in determining sample size for a quantitative research study)


#7(Explain the rationale for purposeful sampling)


#10(Describe typical differences between volunteers and nonvolunteers as research participants, and how the influence of volunteers on research results can be tested)


#11(Describe several techniques for improving the rate of volunteering for participation in a research)



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